Never Forget the Trees

Nora Hofmann, Arts and Entertainment Editor

“Look deep, deep, deep into nature and then you will understand everything.” ~Albert Einstein

Take a moment and immerse yourself in the outdoors. Look outside your window, walk outside your front door, or close your eyes; allow yourself to feel the full effect of the beautiful world around you. Look up now, and pick one leaf on one tree and focus solely on that tree. Look at each branch, each chipped piece of bark, each squirrel jumping from branch to branch. Now, you are beginning to see the world as Michael Goulding did each and every day.

Michael Goulding recently passed away on November 20, 2016, at the age of 23. Mike was known and loved by many in Scituate, and he left every person he ever encountered with a feeling of serenity which could only have come from his time spent in nature. His father, Richard Goulding, traced his love of trees all the way back to his childhood. As a kid, Mike would draw intricate maps of cities, making sure to include all the buildings and roads. Most importantly though, Michael never forgot the trees. From that point forward it was clear that Mike’s attention to detail would follow him in all walks of life.

No tree would be left unnoticed if it were up to Mike. Every tree deserved to be appreciated for its ability to create a strong sense of community and peace. For this reason, the Goulding family has partnered with the Scituate Town Library to plant trees in Michael’s name at the newly constructed library. The Goulding family came to an immediate decision to remember their son in this way. Richard Goulding explained the decision by saying, “The two things that he (Michael) always came back to and loved the most were trees and libraries.” According to Michael’s close friend, Nick Hofmann, there is no better way to remember such a genuine and remarkable man. “He was most at home in the outdoors,” according to Hofmann, making this tribute even more fitting.

Although the details are not yet set in stone, planting is set to start in the spring. The Gouldings hope to be directly involved, knowing that Michael will be there right next to them with every sapling put into the ground. However, they will need the help of friends and fellow community members to get the job done. More hands mean more trees, which is the main goal. Donations are being taken now in order to raise funds to make this possible. If you or anyone you know would like to show support, please send donations to the Scituate Library Foundation at 85 Branch St. Scituate, MA, 02066 and specify that your donation goes toward the Michael J. Goulding Memorial Tree Fund.

Allow yourself to stop and enjoy the beauty that surrounds you every day. Listen for the rustling of the pine needles in a winter storm, or the smell of the trees in spring and think of Michael. Remind yourself to appreciate the beautiful library soon to be finished. But most importantly, never forget the trees.