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SHS Cheer Team Wins Nationals in Florida 

2023-24 team makes Scituate history
The SHS Cheer Team won gold at a national competition in Orlando, Florida

The 2023-24 SHS cheerleading team officially made history by earning a bid to compete at Nationals and winning in their division. In their fall season competitions, the cheer team received a bid for their exceptional routine, and on March 17th, the team won gold at the National Championship in Orlando, Florida.

Senior cheerleaders Alli Bartley and Kelsea Lee have been cheering since they were young and have shown an immense amount of dedication this year. Bartley, the team captain, started cheering when she was in the 3rd grade and continued with the town cheer team, SciCoh, until 8th grade. She has been on the SHS team since she was a freshman. As a captain, Bartley held responsibilities such as “communicating between the coach and the rest of the team,” making sure everyone was ready for events, and being available and open to her teammates in case they ever needed her for anything. Similarly, Lee began cheering at the young age of seven, and although she took a break during her freshman year due to COVID-19, she was back on the team during her sophomore year. 

According to Bartley and Lee, the team’s new coach, Debra Mendes-Arey, has played an influential role in their success. Explaining that “practices were run very differently” than in the past, which took some adjusting, but the team “really came together and bonded as a team for the first time in years.”

Lee commented, “When we work together and believe in ourselves and others, we can accomplish so much.” Bartley said hard work and experience also contributed to their success: Several team members have been cheering on town or All-Star teams since they were in second or third grade. This benefited the team because the experienced cheerleaders could pass on their knowledge to the newer and younger team members. 

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Although their season ended with gold, the cheer team had numerous obstacles to overcome. For instance, there were multiple injuries throughout the year that led to setbacks; however, they were always prepared and made it work to the best of their ability. In addition, they had to adjust to a new coaching style, and several team members had never cheered before. Consequently, the team needed to come together and trust each other. Lee said the team was thrilled when they had the opportunity to compete at the national level because their “hard work had been recognized.”

Being part of a history-making team made the experience even more meaningful. Bartley remarked that even though the competition is over, “it’s still unbelievable that we’ve accomplished this.”

Lee said her favorite part of the trip to Nationals was the last full day when they competed in the morning, won during the awards ceremony, and celebrated at Universal Park. Bartley’s favorite part of the trip was competing with her team one final time with the four seniors she had cheered with for the past ten years. 

With graduation ahead, Lee said she will miss all her teammates the most. Bartley said she will miss the structure and discipline that cheer added to her life, as well as “being a part of such a great team and family.” Neither Lee nor Bartley plans on cheering in college, but if time allows, Lee may join a team, and Bartley knows that cheer will always be a part of her life in one way or another. Although their cheer careers are over, Lee and Bartley will forever hold the team of 2023-2024 close to their hearts, as they were a part of the SHS team that made history.