No Homework Weekend Returns!


Leiney Smith, Staff Writer

After a two-year break from continuous school, these past weeks have been taxing for some students and teachers. Thankfully, the administration noticed, and SHS teachers agreed–we could all use a stress-free weekend. This upcoming weekend–the 16th and 17th of October–will mark the return of “No Homework Weekend.” 

While the tradition has a spotty history, the administration and student council are working in tandem to push for participation this week. In the past, there have been miscommunications between the teachers and students, rendering the No Homework Weekend non-existent.

This year, the goal is to spread the word early and get everyone on the same page. SHS history teacher Kristen Emerson feels similarly: “I think it’s really good for students and teachers alike, but would be more effective if the decision was made before the start of school.” According to senior Molly Thompson, the homework-free weekend hasn’t been widely publicized: “I haven’t had any teachers talk to me about it yet. I didn’t even know it was happening, but I am excited.” With upcoming deadlines and Homecoming on the horizon, this weekend’s reprieve will undoubtedly be welcomed among every grade.

Whether you use this weekend to study for SATs, work on college applications, catch up on schoolwork, or just take a break, take advantage of the time. Thompson commented, “I have a lot of college stuff to catch up on… so I’m glad to be less stressed.”  With upcoming deadlines and projects before Thanksgiving break, hopefully, this tradition can continue to help students manage the stress.