During the Winter Months of COVID, SHS Must Be Prepared to Adapt


Samantha Roman and Henry Gates

As this unprecedented school year starts its track into the winter months, the school administration is undoubtedly faced with the uncertainty of increased sickness among students and staff during the winter months. There may be more restrictions in the community and school, meaning Scituate residents will have to adapt to these changes as they are presented to the public. 

SHS Principal Dr. Lisa Maguire and Assistant Principal Karen Hughes said they are hoping to stay in school for as long as they can. They are prepared to go fully remote at any time if necessary, but they feel if everyone does their part, the school will remain in a hybrid system. As we continue into the winter months, Maguire advises that everyone continue to “wear masks, wash your hands, stay six feet away from others, and if you are feeling sick, stay home.” In fact, this year, students are advised to stay home from school if they have a common cold. As many families make the decision whether to travel during school breaks, Hughes said that although this is a family decision, students should quarantine after traveling for the sake of others. This recommendation also follows the Massachusetts state guidelines.  

SHS math teacher Jonathan Schindler offered some insight into fully remote teaching and learning: “Fully remote is easier, but at the same time, I do see the value in doing hybrid because I think it’s important to get students in person.” Fellow math teacher Phillip Blake also expressed how he thought SHS would have already been remote by now. Both Schindler and Blake believe that if we make it through January, we will be in the building for the rest of the academic year. The school year has been hectic, and there have been ups and downs, but Schindler said one of his favorite things about this year so far is being back in the building and feeling some normalcy. 

SHS junior James Cannon explained believes SHS “will go completely remote at some point, probably during January…because the cases will increase during the winter.” Cannon thinks the cold weather will be a primary reason for the increase of COVID cases, and this will have an effect on the school year.

As concerns rise about the winter months, there are also positives to come out of recent news regarding the vaccine. As a consensus, it seems many people are eager to take this vaccine, but SHS junior Delaney Sandler has a more conservative approach. She explains that since the vaccine was made in about a year and no one knows the long-term effects, she wants to take it but would be slightly scared of the effects. Many of the students asked said they would be happy to take the vaccine when it is finally allowed for those under 18 in the general public. 

Schindler explained that although he would be slightly nervous, he wants to receive the vaccine: Commenting, “stick me,” Schindler demonstrated his desire to get through this time of restrictions and return to normalcy–a thought process expressed by many people in the community.