GSA Hosting a Walkout at SHS on May 19th

Jonah Riedel

GSA is selling buttons at lunch to raise awareness

Jonah Riedel, Contributing Writer

In light of events happening across the United States of America–open hostility toward trans people, attempts to undo all of the vital work protecting trans rights, censorship within schools, including cutting proper education of sexuality and gender that doesn’t conform with what some call “normal”–the Scituate High School Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA) is working with the administration to organize a show of support for everyone in our community falling under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella. We want to make sure those members of our community know they are appreciated, accepted, and supported.

A walkout will take place during the homeroom H-Block (1:11-1:39 p.m.) on Friday, May 19th, at the SHS football field. Everyone from the community is welcome and encouraged to attend. At the beginning of H-Block, an announcement will inform all students when they can leave their homerooms to attend. The event will feature several speakers from our high school with members of the LGBTQIA+ community; staff members and students will speak about the importance of community support and share their experiences. The podium will also be open to anyone who wishes to share their perspective and cultivate a safe space at Scituate High School.

If you want to share a few words during the event, a QR code is posted on the TV outside the library. This code will open a Google Form that you can fill out to allow for a speaking part.

In the event of poor weather, the location will change to the Performing Arts Center. 

During the week leading up to the event, members of GSA will be hosting a fundraiser. Various buttons will be available for purchase during lunch and H-Block to showcase personal pronouns, individual identity, and community support.