ChatGPT–According to ChatGPT

Language processing model could revolutionize education


Anna Kelly, Opinion Editor

Modern high school students depend on technology to enhance their education. One technology that is currently in development could be a game changer for students and teachers alike: ChatGPT, a language processing bot, could change the way students learn, study, and write.

As an experiment, I requested the following of the bot (in order to make sure the bot writes as intended, specific parameters are necessary): “Write an article about ChatGPT. Include who created it, how it was made, why it was made, the benefits of it, and the drawbacks. Talk about how it relates to high school students.”

Written below is an exact excerpt by ChatGPT. 

ChatGPT is a natural language processing (NLP) model that was created by the research team at OpenAI. It is a variant of the popular GPT-3 model, which was designed to generate human-like text based on a given prompt. ChatGPT was specifically designed to be used in chatbot applications, allowing it to hold more natural and engaging conversations with users.

The team at OpenAI created ChatGPT to improve upon existing chatbot technology and make it more accessible to developers. Chatbots are increasingly being used in a variety of applications, from customer service to education, and the team at OpenAI wanted to make it easier for developers to create chatbots that can hold more natural and engaging conversations.

One of the key benefits of ChatGPT is that it can generate responses that are more human-like and natural than previous chatbot models. This allows chatbots powered by ChatGPT to hold more engaging and realistic conversations with users. In addition, ChatGPT can be easily integrated into existing chatbot applications, making it a valuable tool for developers.

One potential drawback of ChatGPT is that it is a large and complex model, which can make it difficult to use for some developers. In addition, the cost of using ChatGPT can be prohibitive for some organizations, particularly smaller ones.

In terms of how ChatGPT relates to high school students, it could potentially be used in educational chatbot applications to help students learn and study more effectively. For example, a chatbot powered by ChatGPT could be used to provide personalized study help to students, allowing them to ask questions and receive tailored responses in real-time. This could help students to learn more efficiently and improve their academic performance.

Overall, ChatGPT is a powerful and innovative natural language processing model that has the potential to improve the capabilities of chatbots and make them more engaging and realistic. While there are some potential drawbacks to using this technology, its benefits make it a valuable tool for developers.

ChatGPT is certainly a shortcut, though the bot’s writing style is notoriously unique. Though I asked the bot to write using a high school student’s vernacular in an earlier request, it did not change its wording nor tone. Additionally, the bot can’t understand changes in style—I asked it to write “journalistically,” yet that same cold analysis remained.

ChatGPT is right in the fact that it’s a powerful tool for developers. If there are multiple steps to coding—drafting, revising, and finalizing—the bot takes away the drafting step. This saves time, because while coders still have to know the right parameters for the bot, they’re able to skip from the drafting stage to the revising stage. Oftentimes, the more specialized the ChatGPT request is, the more revisions are necessary. There are notable instances where the bot gets information wrong, as well. 

Yet for describing simple concepts, or gathering information quickly, ChatGPT is a powerful tool. It’s still technically a prototype—yet as prototypes go, it’s extremely capable and generally correct. 

It will be interesting to watch ChatGPT evolve, both in usage, versatility, and efficiency. Will it ever replace human writing? Probably not. But as time goes on, applications of new technology will continue to change our lives drastically.

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