Farewell, SHS Seniors!

Advice to the senior class


Kylene True and Taylor Varnum

As the Class of 2019 prepares to set sail in different directions, it can be helpful to get insight from those who have already gone through similar experiences. Teachers and administrators at SHS have opened up about their different paths in life and shared notable advice that they believe students should keep in mind as they move forward. While some advice can be seen as cliche, the messages behind them can hit personally to individuals and their hopes for the future. The SHS administration hopes that students will stay open-minded to this advice, and take some with them as they move on from SHS!

“Live a little–find something that makes you happy and go after it.”

“Don’t do things just because everyone else is doing it.”

“Go do something–don’t wait too long to do something.”

“To be a social butterfly. Go into every situation trying to get the most out of it.”

“Only time in life where everyone is in the same boat.”

“Opportunity to be your true self.”

“Open mind, take every opportunity and run with it.”

“Take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way even if it’s a difficult choice. You have to make a sacrifice.”

“Go out and meet people. Don’t get stuck to sports and academics, meet new people. Do fun things. Invest in people.”

“Don’t procrastinate. Do your work. And do it well.”

“Always be true to yourself–have fun, be safe, follow your dreams.”

“Don’t try to figure out your life right now. You can make a plan, but don’t feel like you need to stick to it, things change, be flexibility.”