New Town Administrator Weathers First Winter in Scituate

Julia Gates, Staff Writer

Scituate is a coastal community, and as one of this winter’s first blizzards stormed through town, the new town administrator, James Bourdeau, was experiencing his first few days in office.  Promptly, Boudreau went down to the coast to experience the storm himself. Witnessing a breach in the sea wall and deciphering the other impacts of a common storm that Scituate faces, Boudreau also began to establish himself a an active part of the community. He even got some “good homemade soup” from the lady living there.

Further establishing himself in community, Boudreau announced his open door policy that he wants everyone in Scituate to take advantage of. If a civilian has a couple of minutes, Boudreau is happy to have them swing by the office because he believes that the “government should be accessible,” and often times it makes people feel better just to talk.

Boudreau’s main concern with the town is getting up to speed on the “8 million issues” it faces every day, he exaggerates with a smile, especially before the fiscal meeting in July. Boudreau has already encountered many obstacles that have been brought to his attention by the town. For example, Boudreau wants to make better use of the buildings in the town. He’d love to see the Scituate Recreation Offices find a permanent home, and he thinks that the former Gates Intermediate School would make a great Recreational Center. Taking better advantage of the unused land in the town, Boudreau thinks it would be beneficial to build some new fields. This way, the town would be able to both address the Title IX issue, and host more tournaments. Additionally, Boudreau has heard many complaints about the wind turbine, the brown water crisis, and the reservoir drought.

Ever since he was a young boy, Boudreau knew he wanted to be of public service. After having achieved that dream, he has some advice to the youth of the very community he is leading. Simply stated, Boudreau said, “If you know what you want to do, go for it.” Making himself a relatable figure once again, Boudreau alluded to the infamous Tom Brady, reminding everyone that Brady didn’t play football until he was in high school, so it’s never too late to find one’s passion.